Ey guys hows everybody doing? haven't been able to blog for more than a month, I've been very busy, things became complicated at work. Promoted? ehhh hmm nah, I wish..
Lots of things happened, I'm now trying to fill in as a supervisor, stressful than usual but then again challenging and worth it, I just hope that I really get promoted...position wise not just through task hahahaha.
I really would like to post a long entry today,but I'm using my mobile phone in blogging, yeah new phone!! finally!!, thanks to Globe of course. Even though it's not my dream phone, it's worth it! I'm loving it.
My two brothers are using both the desktop and laptop computers, that's why I need to use my phone to blog hehehehe, I'll try to post another entry later.
Got to go, I'll just watch TV for now... C yah soon.